Naveen Vijay

An Ansible Playbook to package the pip dependencies and deploy it to AWS Amazon Lambda function.

The example shows direct deploy to Lambda and Referenced deployment using S3. Also, the 2 virtual environments venv and deployvenv are used for working virtual environment and deployment environment respectively.

Of course, there are better approaches involving pipenv and other newer techniques. I find this approach easier to manage.

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- hosts: localhost
  strategy: free
  connection: local
  gather_facts: False

    tempdir: tempdeploydir
    deployenv: deployvenv
    aws_profile: default

    lambda_timeout: 300
    lambda_memory: 2048
    lambda_iam_role: arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/lambda-role

    s3_bucket: s3-temp-bucket
    s3_folder: tmp


  - name: Create deploy directory
    file: path={{tempdir}} state=directory

  - name: Copy items from dvenv
    shell: cp -a {{deployenv}}/lib/python3.6/site-packages/. {{tempdir}}

  - name: remove dist files in temp deploy dir & other pip packages
    shell: rm -rf {{tempdir}}/*dist-info {{tempdir}}/pip {{tempdir}}/pkg_resources

  - name: remove python cache
    shell: rm -rf {{tempdir}}/__pycache__

  - name: Copy python files
    shell: cp *.py {{tempdir}}/

  - name: Remove *.pyc files under all
    shell: find {{tempdir}} -name \*.pyc -delete

  - name: Create zip archive
      path: "{{tempdir}}/"
      dest: "{{tempzipfile}}"
      format: zip

  - name: Upload to s3
      bucket: "{{s3_bucket}}"
      object: "{{s3_folder}}/{{tempzipfile}}"
      src: "{{tempzipfile}}"
      mode: put
      profile: "{{aws_profile}}"

  - name: Deploy through S3
      name: function1
      profile: "{{aws_profile}}"
      s3_bucket: "{{s3_bucket}}"
      s3_key: "{{s3_folder}}/{{tempzipfile}}"
      region: us-east-1
      runtime: python3.6
      role: "{{lambda_iam_role}}"
      handler: lambda_function.lambda_handler
      timeout: "{{lambda_timeout}}"
      memory_size: "{{lambda_memory}}"

  - name: Lambda Direct Deploy
      name: function2
      profile: "{{aws_profile}}"
      zip_file: "{{tempzipfile}}"
      region: us-east-1
      runtime: python3.6
      role: "{{lambda_iam_role}}"
      handler: lambda_function.lambda_handler
      timeout: "{{lambda_timeout}}"
      memory_size: "{{lambda_memory}}"

  - name: Clean Up
    shell: rm -rf {{tempzipfile}} *.retry {{tempdir}}

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